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TwURLa: Domain stats : Needs your help!

22 January 2010 5 Comments

TwURLa is a new site where developers of all kinds can search and find stats for their domain and how it performs on . The site aggregates your daily “hits”, which are the amount of times that your site appears on Twitter. The site is currently in development, however they have hit a roadblock from the Twitter team:

We have been in contact with Twitter regarding their API use and about what data we are “allowed” to show on our site. At this point, we are not allowed to show ANY of the data we were planning on showing. Twitter is not allowing us to proceed because we are not big enough to be allowed to do this. Who says that we will not be huge when we launch? Twitter should not have this power! If you wish to give us a chance and allow us to continue development:

I hope you choose to help us, it is only 1 tweet and it will greatly help us. For everyone that tweets, we will publish your username on our new site.

From Twurla: My new site needs your help!

-James Hartig

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  • Jonathan said:

    First off, I can’t believe no one has commented on this. Secondly, that is complete crap! I was going to check out TwURLa to check stats on one of my websites and low and behold, the corporate veil has stopped someone yet again. Why would Twitter want to stop someone from further promoting their service? Oh well… hopefully TwURLa will prevail and we’ll get to check out some cool stats soon.