[3 Apr 2009 | 8 Comments | 6,326 Views]
Trapcall Unmasks Blocked Calls

Trapcall unmasks restricted calls to your phone automatically, all for free. If you have ever gotten a prank call or a call from a telemarketer and they call you restricted, you will not ever have to worry again.
The setup takes about a minute (a step by step process to reroute your calls through Trapcall before going to your phone). When you recieve a restricted call after you have setup Trapcall on your phone, first ignore the call. Then the servers at Trapcall will unmask the restricted call and will dial …

[8 Mar 2009 | 9 Comments | 13,246 Views]
A Trick to Increase Website Pagerank

I’ve learned a few tricks to increasing your pagerank with only a few easy steps…
Here’s what you will need: Patience and a web browser.
Google Pagerank works by reviewing what sites link to who. Here’s a better way to look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank. So now you are wondering “How do I get high pagerank websites to link to mine?” I thought about this when I was at school a few months ago. Using the iWebTool Backlink Checker, I was able to accomplish this. This is what I was going to do: …

[6 Mar 2009 | 10 Comments | 6,975 Views]
Easy Google Pagerank Determination

Here is a very cool trick (Found by Jimmy) to determine Google Pagerank on websites by modifying your search query URL on Google Search. The best part about this is that it returns the output in plain text, making it easier for developers to get this information without long scripts. This means you could write a Sphider Mod to get better search results or use it within a custom program to see how popular (or important) a website is on the internet.
Get the Pagerank: 
To get pagerank, type in: http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=656688533331624&features=Rank&q=info:google.com 
To change the website …

[27 Feb 2009 | 2 Comments | 6,285 Views]
Lets DestroyTwitter!

This maybe the best air app I have ever used! I use twinkle for my ipod updates, and my phone for on the go, but how do I update my twitter status on my desktop? I Destroy Twitter. By now your guessing that Destroy Twitter is an app. Not just a twitter app, but also an Adobe Air app. So you can Destroy Twitter on Mac OS X, Linux and another platform that supports Air. Using the app is just a joy to use, with all the effects. And its …

[14 Feb 2009 | 2 Comments | 11,751 Views]
Chrome Nightly: mini_installer.exe isn’t updating

I downloaded the latest nightly build of Chrome, only to realize that the mini_installer.exe wouldn’t update my Chrome installation on Windows 7. I would run the executable, but nothing would happen. Finally, I decided to change the compatibility to Windows Vista and Vola!, it worked!
So if you’re having trouble with the mini_installer.exe, just right click the exe, goto Properties. Then goto the Compatibility tab and then choose Windows Vista. No matter if you delete the mini_installer.exe, the settings should stay the same for any mini_installer.exe in that same folder (Desktop?). …

[13 Feb 2009 | 20 Comments | 9,853 Views]
How to Save Linerider 2 Track Data to Thumb Drive

I spent my entire computer class today creating a LineRider 2 track (which was pretty amazing haha), but I was a little frustrated when I had to log off and go to the next class because I would lose all of my data. The computers at my school have “deep freeze” software installed, which restores the computer to a certain state every time the computer is rebooted (almost like a system restore). This means the data that I saved on that computer’s internal memory would be erased and I would …